The Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA) specially invited Bendemeer Primary School to attend the SINDA Appreciation Ceremony 2023 to recognise the contributions and support provided to SINDA from 2021-2022. This kind gesture affirms the benefits of the partnership we have with SINDA and our school will continue to deepen this collaboration.

For many years, our students have been part of SINDA’s Teach Programme. Please click on the link to find out how your child can participate.
The National Service (NS) Advocate Award for Organisations which is part of the Total Defence Awards (TDA) 2022, is the highest national accolade by MINDEF that recognises a wide array of stakeholders’ exemplary support for NS, including individuals, small and medium enterprises, large companies and organisations.

Bendemeer Primary School was a recipient of this prestigious award on 10 November 2022. This award affirms the continued good work that the school has put in place to support and recognise its NSmen and the efforts to inculcate Total Defence as a whole-school approach.

MINDEF acknowledges the efforts our school took to achieve the above in a detailed report submitted for the application of this award. This award is also one step higher than the NS Mark (Gold) accreditation that our school achieved in 2021 and we were first conferred the TDA ‘Meritorious Defence Partner Award’ back in 2012 and 2013.